
4小时 之前
You are young, but the years will fly away soon. You will then be wondering, what would have happened if you have spoken what was Pinterestide your heart. ?

2天 之前
Let’s do this together! Download App Runtastic, for every kilometre we run collectively during June 8-16th, Adidas will donate one U.S. dollar to Parley Marine School whose mission is to provide environmental education to protect the ocean. 6 days left! Let’s run for the oceans ??? @adidas@adidashk #worldoceansday#RunForTheOceans#adidasRunnersHongKong#adidashk

3天 之前  倪晨曦Pinterest
We made it! 很有意義的活動!大家都為保護海洋出一份力??? 保護大自然人人有責? 謝謝每一個來參與你們!☺️ @ADIDASHK#RunForTheOceans#adidasRunnersHongKong #Run#adidasrunning

4天 之前
假日好好打扮自己 穿上心愛的裙子出門 感覺份外有自信 是的 我喜歡穿芒果色的裙子 也喜歡吃芒果 亦喜歡喝新推出的芒果味的Glaceau 維他命水 含有鋅可以幫我維持免疫力 令我每天都可以充滿活力 迎接這個亮麗鮮艷的夏天☀ #晨曦廣告雜誌 #Glaceau#vitaminwater #lifestyle#trendy #新產品 #有助維持免疫力

4天 之前
心血來潮將兩塊蔥油餅煎完後 抹上non-diary cream cheese 和avocado 加上一點鹽 孜然 香草 fusion quesadilla 完成了 吃完感想 真的很好吃??? ———————————————————— Suddenly thought about making a fusion quesadilla with Chinese scallion pancakes. I put non-diary cream cheese and avocado Pinterestide, a little bit of salt, cumin powder and dry herbs. It’s easy to make and tastes so good! ? #sooshiwithelva#vegetarianlife #eatwithelva

5天 之前
大家都期待的long weekend來了 雖然我沒假期 但精神上支持你們?? #shotoniphonexr#elvasunsetdiary #tommyjeans

5天 之前  倪晨曦Pinterest
白雲下的夢裡 單純的生活 其實很快樂 傻傻的笑著 其實很幸福 ☁️ . . #草地上的白日夢 #現實中的簡單生活 @tommyhilfiger#tommyjeans #tommyhilfiger

6天 之前
燃燒吧 小宇宙? #跑的不是速度是態度 #堅持✊? #adidashk#shotoniphonexr

6天 之前
Important training this morning, need a full breakfast ?#eatwithelva #avocadoeggbagel#sooshiwithelva

7天 之前
海洋充滿着神秘又美麗的力量 可以很平靜也讓人充滿敬畏之心 但我們卻一而再再而三的破壞和污染海洋 每次網上看到海洋生物因為塑膠而飽受煎熬的影片 心都會好痛 我們是不是應該為保育海洋出一份力! 這次只要來參加adidas 6月8日世界海洋日開始的Run For The Oceans 活動 由6月8日至16日期間我們每跑一公里 ADIDAS就會捐出一美金給PARLEY海洋學校 做宣傳和教育保護海洋 而且只要見到有Parley logo的衣服或鞋子就表示它們都是用海洋裡收集來的環保再用材料做出的成品! 立刻行動吧!和朋友一起這週六 Run for the oceans?? 詳細請到 @ADIDASHK 查詢 ———————————————————— Our ocean used to be beautiful and it has a mysterious power yet to be discovered by humans. But throughout recent centuries we have been polluting the ocean with various chemical and physical wastes. Every time it hurts me seeing videos of marine lives suffering from chemicals, plastics, broken fishing nets etc. We should contribute back to the ocean who has given us a beautiful Earth to live on, and make it sustainable for our future. This Saturday, June 8th, is Adidas World Ocean Day. Come join Run For The Oceans with me at west Kowloon. For every kilometre we run collectively during June 8-16th, Adidas will donate one U.S. dollar to Parley Marine School whose mission is to provide environmental education to protect the ocean. If you see any clothes or shoes with the Parley logo, they are actually made of plastic trash collected from remote beaches and coastal communities! Act now and gather your friends this Saturday to run for the oceans! For more details about the run, please visit @adidashk #RunForTheOceans#adidasRunnersHongKong #Run#adidasrunning

7天 之前
選擇一個方向 定下一個時間 剩下的只需要堅持和努力 時間會告訴你最好的答案? . .#TheNewJ12#Itsallaboutseconds#Chanelwatches @chanelofficialhair @easfu

7天 之前
放空的一瞬間 是什麼感覺 喜歡在做飯的時候放空 看著煎蛋快熟的那一秒 等著漢堡可以翻面的那一秒 打開煮滾熱湯的那一秒 食物香味撲鼻的那一秒 不慌不忙 那一秒剛剛好 . . #TheNewJ12#Itsallaboutseconds#Chanelwatches @chanelofficial

8天 之前  倪晨曦Pinterest
One second of eye contact One second pause of your heartbeat One second to fall in love Each second has its decisive moment Make every second count . . .#TheNewJ12#Itsallaboutseconds#Chanelwatches @chanelofficial

8天 之前
Making my own sunny Monday with zest ? #helloJune☀️#tommyjeans #tommyhilfiger@tommyhilfiger

9天 之前
果然…….☔️??‍♀️ #全副武裝 #雨天限定#raincoatrainbootskindofday#shotoniphone XR

9天 之前
Embrace and love your body, it’s the most amazing thing you will ever own. #loveyourself#imperfection #yogawithelva

10天 之前
I’ve been waiting for a sunny weekend for a long time It’s finally here for a couple hours Plzzzzzzz stay longer tomorrow ☀️☀️☀️ #saturdayvibes #ootd#shotoniphone XR

10天 之前
生日快樂 寶貝Bobo 我們永遠都愛你❤️ 希望你每天都開心 健康 無憂無慮? 好好享受你的生日旅行 回來給我們攻略?#happybirthdaybobo #bazelove@boboll_ll @angelchu @zelia

11天 之前
Sponsored #SCHWARZKOPFcreators: I like spending time on styling my hair. I love freshly washed wet hair with the @schwarzkopf Extra Care series, because they remind me that it’s up to me to decide who I want to be. #createyourstyle #ExtraCare#ad

11天 之前
My dairy-free breakfast ?#dairyfreecreamcheesebagel#almondmilk#chocolatealmondgranola#sooshiwithelva #eatwithelva


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